Saturday, April 11, 2020

MCO - Movement Control Order (We are part of the History)

Ketika saya menulis entri ini, Malaysia telah menambah tempoh movement control order (MCO) to an additional 14 days lagi. It makes the total MCO to more than 30 days. 

Me as the head of the family will need to go out to buy groceries and other needs, not to mention work from home. Yes, academicians need to work from home. Countless meetings through Google Meet were done. I do feel like maintaining meetings through Google Meet even after MCO.

Di saat terdapat rakan-rakan saya yang hilang punca pendapatan kerana bekerja gaji hari atau yang jenis ada job ada kerja, saya bersyukur kerana full salary saya masih berjalan. Ini tidak menjadikan saya alpa kerana saya tetap menghulurkan semampu yang boleh untuk meringankan beban beberapa orang rakan yang berhampiran dengan saya.

Di taman perumahan saya, ramai juga berstatus peniaga terutama makanan yang sedikit sebanyak terjejas. Ada yang meniaga di tepi jalan sebelum MCO. Namun mereka bernasib baik kerana dengan ada socmed seperti grup whatsapp taman, dapat mengiklankan produk mereka. Saya salah seorang yang kerap support mereka. Ada yang jual buah-buahan, ikan, kuih muih. Konsep saya beli sedikit tapi dari pelbagai seller. At least masing-masing ada bahagian masing-masing. 

The best thing is some of the other items sold are actually much more cheaper than before MCO. Furthermore tak perlu saya keluar jauh-jauh sebab mereka akan deliver ke rumah. Letak sahaja di pintu pagar. Bayaran pula guna online banking. 

Ada banyak perkara yang ingin saya kisahkan but it will be in another entry as I will need to do some WFH stuffs. We academicians need to prepare for Online Distance Learning. Not only us but the students too. All of us just simply need to adjust to all of this. And it's not only in my country, but to the rest of the world too. 

It's like world war, except the whole world is united to fight against one common enemy which is invisible. And this will be part of a huge history to be told to our next generation. A history that we are currently part of it, a history that we wish won't happen again. 

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