Monday, November 11, 2019

Yahoo Dan Saya

Zaman sekarang zaman internet. Hampir semua orang ada akses kepada internet. Terima kasih pada kemajuan teknologi yang membolehkan internet diakses secara wireless. Apabila internet boleh diakses secara wireless atau tanpa sebarang sambungan wayar fizikal, maka wujud juga mobile internet yang membolehkan seseorang itu menggunakan internet dari smartphone mereka. 

Maka wujudlah pelbagai jenis dan bentuk aplikasi untuk memudahkan pengguna dan orang ramai macam saya. Dulu zaman internet menggunakan sambungan fizikal atau wayar, Yahoo merupakan penyedia awal yang memberikan pelbagai perkhidmatan pada user. Kalau nak search sesuatu maklumat di internet, kita guna Yahoo Search. Muka hadapan Yahoo ketika itu amat menarik dan ada macam-macam content seperti news, cuaca dan lain-lain maklumat. Yahoo bertambah gemilang apabila menyediakan perkhidmatan emel percuma. Saya tak pasti berapa jumlah storage emel percuma tersebut ketika ia mula dilancarkan namun ketika itu memadai. 

Muncul pula Yahoo Messenger yang membolehkan kita berinteraksi seperti chatting. Bezanya Yahoo Messenger ni boleh sign secara automatik apabila kita on internet. Ini semua zaman sebelum kewujudan whatsapp dan mobile internet. Kita log in untuk terima mesej menerusi internet hanya apabila perlu sahaja. Berbeza dengan Whatsapp yang suka-suka lebih bersifat real time lagi-lagi kalau mobile internet di on kan sentiasa.

Whatsapp ada group dan kadangkala komunikasi dalam group inn terlampau laju, pantas dan mudah pula disebarkan merata-rata. Dulu group-group sebegini hanya muncul dalam mailing list. Salah satunya adalah Yahoo Groups. Kita menghadap depan PC untuk baca satu-satu emel dari Yahoo Groups kita. Berbeza dengan Whatsapp group yang boleh kita gunakan sambil melakukan aktiviti lain seperti berbaring tengok tv, berbual dengan kawan-kawan, memasak atau lebih ekstrem, ketika memandu kenderaan.

So sedikit demi sedikit, perkhidmatan Yahoo Groups ini tidak lagi mendapat sambutan hangat. User semakin berkurangan. Tinggal generasi sebelum kewujudan Whatsapp sahaja yang guna. Itupun tak semua. 

Bila dah kurang user, Yahoo pun berkira-kira nak tamatkan Yahoo Groups. Namun menurut Yahoo, mereka akan terus mengekalkan Yahoo Groups cuma akan berlaku perubahan dari segi operasinya. Message board tidak lagi digunakan. So it is still not the death of Yahoo Groups but from my opinion, it's a near death experience. Dibawah merupakan kandungan emel yang diterima dari pihak Yahoo. 

Dear Group Moderators and Members,

Thank you for your commitment to Yahoo and for helping us define the power of digital communities. Eighteen years ago, we combined the functionality of a site called with a precursor community platform called Yahoo Clubs to launch Yahoo Groups. Since then, you and millions of others have helped prove our hypothesis, by creating and joining more than 10 Million groups.

A lot has changed about the Internet since 2001, including the ways most people now use Yahoo Groups. Today, most Yahoo Groups activity happens in your email inbox, not on the bulletin boards where Yahoo Groups started in the pre-smartphone age. Increasingly, people want content and connections coming directly to them, and this is why we continue to invest in Yahoo Mail -- including the recent launch of a new Yahoo Mail app that is currently the highest-rated email app in the App Store and Google Play.

So, as our users’ habits have evolved, we have begun the process of evolving our approach to help active Yahoo Groups thrive and migrate to our email platform. To help you plan for these changes, below is the schedule of how this transition will happen.

Beginning October 28, 2019:

  • Users will be able to join a Yahoo Group only through an invite from the Group Moderator or by submitting a request to join a Group, which requires approval by the Group Moderator.
  • Since we are moving Group communication from posting on message boards to email distribution, uploading and hosting of new content will also be disabled on the Yahoo Groups website.

Beginning December 14, 2019:

  • All Groups will be made private and any content that was previously uploaded via the website will be removed. We believe privacy is critical and made this decision to better align with our overall principles.
  • If you would like to keep any of the content you’ve posted or stored in the past within your Yahoo Group, please download it by December 14 by accessing this link.

As these dates get closer, we will send follow-up reminders. More information about the upcoming changes can be found here.

While this evolution of Yahoo Groups is inspired by how we see the platform being used today, we know change can be difficult. Here are a few important facts as we make this transition:

1. Yahoo Groups is not going away - We know that our users are deeply passionate about connecting around shared interests, and we are evolving Groups to better align with how you use it today.

2. New groups can still be formed - Users can continue to connect with others around their common bonds and interests. From animal rescues to sporting and activity groups, civic organizations to local PTAs, members of our Yahoo Groups will remain connected and able to share their activities and interests. All of the content that you have shared previously on the website, can continue to be shared via email.

We know that Yahoo Groups is an important online extension of your real-life group of friends, interests and communities, and we are committed to supporting communities that rely on Yahoo Groups. Thanks for coming along with us this far. We look forward to seeing where the technology -- and you -- take us in the decades to come.

The Groups Team

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