Thursday, March 10, 2016


Kerja saya banyak juga terlibat dalam penulisan. Selepas melakukan research, perlu menulis artikel. Sekarang saya dalam proses writing up my thesis. Sana-sini perlu saya enhance chapter saya. Saya menggunakan apps untuk track my daily word count writing. Saya pecahkan mengikut chapter. Buat masa ini saya concentrate on two chapters serentak. Kalau nak diikutkan, memang kesemuanya akan ada enhancement, tetapi otak dan kudrat saya tidak mampu lebih dari dua chapter. Kadang-kadang terfikir juga jika ada software yang boleh 'meletakkan' sesuatu review, piece of opinion, ke dalam kesemua chapter dan disesuaikan dengan chapter terbabit.

Contohnya, jika menulis tentang kepentingan rekod, hampir semua chapter akan mempunyai topik yang sama, tetapi sekarang ini perlu secara manually insert ke lokasi-lokasi yang sesuai di dalam chapter-chapter terbabit. 

Berdasarkan website, ada disebut tentang how ro be an effective writer. 

As an aspiring writer, you want to get some kind of point across, and that takes intentionality. Here are my suggestions:

1) Read. A lot. My mom used to read the dictionary to me on long car rides, quizzing me on random words, a gift for which I'm incredibly grateful. Words comprise a writer's essential "tool belt"; if you don't build your vocabulary through reading, you greatly limit how you are able to communicate.

2) Brush up on grammar. Get a decent grasp of general English grammar, but I warn you - once you understand the "rules" better, you realize how flexible many of them are. Nonetheless, you have to learn the principles behind them before you just start poetically bending (or breaking) them. There are plenty of great resources online for this type of thing

3) Pre-write. Brainstorm, write rough sketches, draft up lists, do that silly spiderweb brainstorm technique you learned when you were young. Take some time to figure out what you really want to write about. Then develop a structure around it, with a direction of where you want to go. Structure gives you something in which you can exercise your creativity without getting too tangential.

4) Write. I try to do this every day, but sometimes don't succeed. I make it a priority to post on my blog every week day. When I'm not generating new content, I'm pretty much revising and editing for my blog. This helps me avoid writing only when I feel "inspired" (which is a flighty, inconsistent feeling at best). Developing a regular writing discipline is essential to your success as an effective writer.

5) Re-write. Once you write something, you need to review it and have someone else review it. Now, here's the part that I really struggle with. If something stinks, throw it away. You don't, of course, lose the general theme of what you wrote (unless that stinks, too), but this helps you avoid the temptation to salvage a sentence or paragraph that you think has a good ring to it.

Saya setuju juga tentang pendapat di ini. Saya juga mengamalkan warm up dan warm down ketika menulis. Warm up saya ialah menulis di internet, kadangkala warm down saya ialah menulis di internet, kadang kala both warm up dan warm down saya ialah menulis di internet. My definition of menulis di internet ialah seperti writing a post on my educational forums atau pun di blogs. I have a few blogs which I divided into themes, this blog, represents my official view. Ada blog photography, ada blog kisah tahyul dan fiksyen. Sementara educational forums ialah forum-forum kelas saya, pengajaran dan pembelajaran saya meliputi e-learning. 

Yang pasti, saya biasakan diri menulis whether it is in english or BM. This blog uses both because I am trying to emulate how I speak daily, a mixture of english and BM unless when I am speaking to someone who does not understand BM at all. 

Penggunaan apps Writeometer pada saya amat berguna kerana kita boleh track berapa words kita tulis everyday for each chapter dan jika penulisan kita terhenti beberapa hari, akan ada reminder. Kita juga boleh track berapa lama telah kita tidak menulis. Cuma kelemahan apps ini ialah we need to manually enter the writing data itself such as berapa word count, time writing and so on. 

Entri ini saya jadikan 'warm down' session kerana selepas selesai kelas tadi, saya terus menulis dan membaca selama 1 jam. Cabarang paling utama ialah 'gangguan' ketika menulis.

Wish me Luck.

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